The Swift Creek Huts


4 buildings for four people - nice ratio. The Swift Creek Huts are made up of four buildings - a cook house, a bunk house, a sauna and an outhouse. While it's heli accessed, the flight is short so it's not too expensive.

Vital Info

Capacity: 4-6 People

Location: 11U 360632E 5864075N

Access: Heli

Swank Factor: Medium - basic but well equiped hut and you arrive in style

Getting There

Step 1. Get to Valemount, BC. Once you're there, Yellowhead Helicopters will fly you the 15-20km into the hut.

What's There

Both the cook house and the bunk house have wood stoves for heat.

The cook house has plumbed propane for lights and an apartment sized oven and range. There's all the pots, dishes and kitchen tools you'll possibly need. The 'sink' is a couple of large bowls and grey water disposal is away from the hut.

The bunk house has foam mattresses that are 'thick enough' and beds for 6. Another two could sleep on the padded bench in the cook house.

The sauna is wood heated and cozy.

There's a handy map in the cook house that shows a few of your options for skiing.

Once You're There

Starting at the heli-pad, if you head South-East, gaining elevation up the broad drainage, you'll hit a low pass. The back side of the pass has a ton of lower angle options, a couple of more interesting lines such as 'The Mouse Trap', and some easy peaks to scramble up.

If you head down and North of the hut, you can follow a summer access trail taking you to the far side of the valley to some big open lines such as the aptly named 'Yum Yum'. Terrain ranges in steepness, but there's something for everyone.


The Swift Creek Huts are operated by the nice folks at Headwaters Outfitting. Plan on doing most of your communication by phone and you'll be paying by cash or cheque. This isn't a state of the art operation.


The hut itself is about $60/person/night plus a bit of tax.

The heli cost a flat $180/person/direction. Rumour has it you can ski out when the snow level is high enough and save the cost of the return trip.